Virtual Gallery - Exhibition of Arseniy Kazarovytskyi "The Yellow Period" | The Regional Organizing and Methodic Center of Culture and Arts

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Virtual Gallery - Exhibition of Arseniy Kazarovytskyi "The Yellow Period"

1 Series. "Yellow period"

Materials: paper, pen, charcoal, white permanent marker.

Size: 42-32 10pcs, 32-23 1pc

Yellow is the color of joy and sunshine, as well as infantility and immaturity...

The title of this series is an ironic allegory to Picasso's periods. The combination of monochrome plain pictures with a bright background symbolizes the excessive emotionality of meanings that did not have time to finally form.

2 Series. "Dissociation"

Materials: gouache, alcohol markers, paper, primed cardboard, canvas, pen.

Size: 20-20 8 pcs., 30-30 5 pcs., 50-30 1 pc., 40-30 1 pc., 12-14 1 pc.

Dissociation is a protective mechanism of the psyche that allows you to avoid traumatic reality.

The series includes works that demonstrate various ways of such escape - from imaginary friends, to fictitious personalities and illusory impressions...

3 Series. "Selfie"

Materials: paper, alcohol markers, paper, mirror.

Size: 17-23 7 pcs.

Self-portrait series.

Archive for 2023Archive for 2023 
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