Department of cultural work and leisure | The Regional Organizing and Methodic Center of Culture and Arts

Обласний організаційно-методичний центр культури і мистецтва

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Department of cultural work and leisure

The main tasks, functions and areas of work

Conservation, development and promotion of heritage clubs in the area of cultural - educational work and in leisure.

support creative amateur associations and clubs for interests of cultural institutions.

Working with teaching classrooms district houses of culture, providing guidance and practical help.

Terms for festivals and competitions, scripts and festive events, concerts.

training and seminars to exchange experience leaders clubs, trainers, managers amateur associations and clubs of interest ..

study practices and trends in cultural work and leisure club type of cultural institutions of Kharkiv region in order to unify and spread best practice.

Organization of events, namely concerts, thematic, anniversary, recitals, presentations, festivals and competitions.

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