Virtual Gallery - Exhibition of portraits of prominent Ukrainians "Glory of the Nation" by students and teachers of the "Lyubotinsky Art Lyceum "Divosvit"" Kharkov Regional Council for the Day of the Unity of Ukraine | The Regional Organizing and Methodic Center of Culture and Arts

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Virtual Gallery - Exhibition of portraits of prominent Ukrainians "Glory of the Nation" by students and teachers of the "Lyubotinsky Art Lyceum "Divosvit"" Kharkov Regional Council for the Day of the Unity of Ukraine
Archive for 2022Archive for 2022 
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Симоненко Васил...
Симоненко Васил...
Сірко Іван Боха...
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Сковорода Григо...
Сковорода Григо...
Сковорода Григо...
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Category viewed: 295 x
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