Department of research and revival of decorative art and exhibition activities | The Regional Organizing and Methodic Center of Culture and Arts

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Department of research and revival of decorative art and exhibition activities

Based on the mission statement and priorities Center, Department of Research and revival of decorative art and exhibition practice focuses its work on:

- conducting research in contemporary decorative arts of the Kharkiv region in the context of and in connection with traditional folk art Slobodian, which includes the formation of sources of modern masters of decorative and fine arts field on electronic media;

- providing practical and methodological assistance to the masters (master-classes) that are engaged in teaching and thus contribute to the preservation and restoration of traditions in the artistic life of the region;

- activities (exhibitions, tours, meetings with artists, thematic actions), to promote the artistic heritage of the Kharkiv region, the formation of aesthetic philosophy and gentle attitude to contemporary art for children and young people.

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